Falcon Owners Club
of N.S.W. Inc.
Established June 1979 and dedicated to the preservation, maintenance, restoration and enjoyment of the Falcon GT.
Proudly Keeping The Legend Alive For 45 Years
Membership Application 2024
Click the link below to download and print the Membership Renewal Form.
Membership Application Fee $20.00 + Annual Membership Fee $70.00 = $90.00 payable.
if you wish to receive a posted bi-monthly hard copy of our club magazine add $30, to total $120.00 payable.
If you are paying by cheque please make it payable to "Falcon GT Owners Club of NSW Inc." and post it along with your completed Membership Application Form to P.O. Box 301 Northmead, N.S.W. 2152.
If you prefer you can make a direct deposit to the Club's account at
Bank: Westpac Mortdale
BSB: 032167
Acc: 204319.
You now also have the option of paying through PayPal.* To do this click the PayPal link below.
If you are paying in person, cash is accepted, or we have an EFTPOS terminal if you wish to pay via card.
Please post or hand your completed Membership Application Form to a committee member regardless of how you decide to pay your membership.
Membership Application Form
* PayPal Surcharge Fees Apply