Falcon Owners Club
of N.S.W. Inc.
Established June 1979 and dedicated to the preservation, maintenance, restoration and enjoyment of the Falcon GT.
Proudly Keeping The Legend Alive For 45 Years

The Falcon GT Owner’s Club of NSW was formed in July, 1979 by a small band of Falcon GT enthusiasts. The aims of the Club are the preservation, maintenance, restoration, and enjoyment of Falcon GT’s. Whilst the Club is an “owners club”, that is for owners of Falcon GT’s.
Membership is available in two categories:
1. “FULL” MEMBERSHIP:- available only to registered owners and their immediate families (upon nomination), of genuine factory manufactured Falcon GT’s.
2. “ASSOCIATE” MEMBERSHIP:- available to any person and their immediate families (upon nomination), having an interest in Falcon GT’s. You will, hopefully, own a Ford, however this is not mandatory.
Generally a member of either category is eligible to participate in club activities however, there are restrictions with regard to voting on club issues. You should refer to the club constitution or speak to a committee member for details.
Monthly runs are held, usually alternating between “long” and “short” runs, with at least one “weekend-away” run held annually. Wherever possible we seek venues which provide good facilities, and enable us to park our cars together and keep an eye on them. Combined club runs are also held with other car clubs – Ford and other marques. These runs are social occasions that provide the opportunity for members to combine the enjoyment of their vehicles with a relaxed day's outing with others in the club.
We hold a club Christmas party and celebrate our Birthday in June, thereby providing an excuse for a mid-year party.
We are always on the lookout for new activities in which to participate and to this end members may be invited to represent the club and display their vehicles at car shows and other special events.
You should speak to an Events Committee member for more information on Club activities.
A bi-monthly newsletter is available in both digital and print form. The newsletter provides reviews from recent runs, Club financial statements and other relevant items. Members should nominate if they require a hard copy of the newsletter.
The Club keeps in touch with other Ford clubs around Australia swapping newsletters and magazines.
Club merchandise including shirts, caps and car stickers are available for purchase, along with many other items. Availability depends on demand and therefore you should ask the Club Merchandiser what is currently in stock.
The Club is affiliated with the Combined Ford Clubs of NSW (CFC) and together with other Ford Clubs participate in an annual “All Ford Day” that is held on the Sunday closest to July 30th (Henry Ford’s birthday). In addition an annual Swap Meet is organised by the CFC.
Cost to join: One off $10 joining fee and the annual fee of $60.
Best Wishes - The Committee, The FALCON GT OWNERS CLUB OF NSW INC.