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The Secretary
Falcon GT Owners Club of News South Wales Inc

Come to a Club meeting, they are usually held the second Monday of every second month, 7.00pm at Toongabbie Sports and Bowling Club. We have The Auditorium reserved for our exclusive use.

This venue has an exceptional bistro and a well sorted function room that is suited to our clubs needs. Any visitors/guests or new or potential members are more than welcome to attend our meeting. for more information.

Meeting Location Click Here


Con Alexopoulos                 0416 245 333


Phil Chenney                      0412 505 218


Peter & Lynne Clarke          0404 089 897


Brett & Sharon Cunliffe       0418 713 386


George Doroszak                0437 875 155


Kathy Doroszak                  0407 911 633


Ron & Jan Fraser                0412 042 272


Stu Hansen                        0421 424 420


John Killorn                        0403 368 984



Tony & Marilyn Hawton     0452 205 302


Peter James                     0419 638 340

David Jarvis                     0407 015 883

Lauren McCay                  0414 458 622

Trevor McCay                   0418 967 885

Bryan Parry                      0417 295 074

George Redding                0418 660 504

Darin & Anita Shaw           0407 400 344

Ian Watson                      0410 627 351

Tony Killian                      0400 943 382

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